Monitoring and reporting actions by all partners
The aim of Y Bannau: The Future is to galvanise action across the National Park and beyond. Monitoring and reporting will be inclusive of all partners taking action together.
Monitoring and reporting the five missions, and Doughnut indicators
The five missions adopted in Y Bannau: The Future are chosen because they are biggest shifts needed to achieve a sustainable future for the National Park. It is therefore important to measure and report on progress towards achieving the missions, and on wider indicators of National Park sustainability – the extent to which ecological ceiling (Planetary Boundaries) and the social foundation (Sustainable Development Goals) are being breached.
A series of indicators have been selected as the best metrics for understanding and tracking change in the National Park in relation to the Doughnut Economics:
- Ecological ceiling (Planetary Boundaries)
Download Monitoring Framework: Ecological Ceiling
- Social foundation (Sustainable Development Goals), and
Download Monitoring Framework: Social Foundation
- The ‘safe and just space’ in the middle of the ring which reflects ecological and human wellbeing in the unique context of Bannau Brycheiniog National Park.
Download Monitoring Framework: National Park Core
The indicators have been chosen because they represent the best direct metric or proxy, and because it is envisaged that data will be available to track change over a long timescale. Indicators were identified through detailed workshop sessions with expert contributions from BBNPA officers and the National Park’s Stakeholder Reference Panel.
Several different timescales are important in considering the sustainable future of the National Park.
Updates on the BBNPA website and other platforms, and that of partners, sharing information about actions and outcomes, celebrating successes, and highlighting opportunities and challenges.
1 year:
Annual Doughnut Economics assessment ‘health check’ of the National Park, and annual assessment of progress in achieving the missions.
4 years:
State of the Park Report 2027 The State of the Park report is an important synthesis of all the data being gathered in relation to the doughnut. It is an important moment to reflect on the key issues facing the Park in order to inform the review of Y Bannau.
5 years:
The duration of Y Bannau: The Future management plan. Used to focus near-term action towards achieving the missions.
2030 & 2035:
The timescales to achieve the nature and water missions and the climate mission respectively.
25 years:
The medium-term vision for the National Park.
50 years:
Long-term change horizon. Used to track long-term sustainability as indicated by Doughnut Economics metrics.