Our organisations role in mission delivery

The following defines our organisation’s commitment to undertake overarching activity which will contribute towards achieving across our missions.
  1. We will use our convening powers to bring together key people and organisations to form delivery-focused partnerships, to enable the sharing of knowledge and expertise, and the efficient coordinated use of resources. This document defines partnerships already in existence, already acting for the benefit of the National Park, which we will continue to support.
  2. We will expand the reach and breadth of our academic research partnership, with the objective of bringing the expertise of academic research to bear on the real-world problems of the National Park. The partnership is in the process of creating core study groups around key topic areas, such as peat, phosphates and heritage which will support achieving the missions. Individual mission chapters may identify other areas where future research is needed to support delivery.
  3. We will embed the principles, values and missions of Y Bannau: The Future into all of the work of the organisation including our decision-making structures and ways of working, our financial management, our public communications and advocacy, and the development of all further plans and policies the organisation of the National Park is asked by statute or necessity to produce.
  4. We will utilise all available resource, both now and in the future, to contribute as much as possible to mission delivery. We will advocate for mission delivery from all bodies operating within the Park who are bound by S62(2) of the Environment Act (1995) to have due regard to our purposes and duty in their activity.
  5. We will use our knowledge and expertise to help embed Y Bannau: The Future thinking beyond our boundaries, creating a mindset of exemplary and transformative action.

Sêr y Bannau: Inspiring action through the work of others

Y Bannau: The Future is purposefully focused on articulating objectives and outcomes. It is not centered on the ‘how’ of delivery.

This is because we believe that the organisation’s role is to set the vision for the future of the area, not dictate how it should be delivered. We want to work with our key partners to develop detailed action plans which can create detailed route-maps to mission success. In these co-designed plans, actions toward mission delivery can be proposed, agreed and owned by each and every organisation or public body that has a responsibility to the Park.

To illustrate the sort of action that we anticipate will aid mission delivery, we have identified existing projects to act as pointers to spark ideas in the action planning of others, and to demonstrate what sort of things make up the building blocks to mission delivery.

These case studies, authored by the project leads, we have called our Sêr y Bannau (Stars of the Beacons). Some of these examples highlight the current work of the organisation, while others are completely independent and demonstrate the inspiring potential of the action of others.

The National Park’s Role in Delivery

To demonstrate our commitment to the Mission approach we, as an organisation, set out what we believe our role is in helping deliver the missions. They are the biggest contributions we think we can make to achieve the missions.

As well as our mission-orientated approach, we also believe that we as an organisation have a central role which we define as our overarching contribution to mission Y Bannau: The Future. These define future activity which spans all our missions and will define a general pattern of activity for the organisation as a whole.