Collaborating in place for a better future
Our Places
Holistic Place Plans
This mission is centred around co-creating and delivering holistic Place Plans with the communities of the National Park.
A Place Plan is a collaboration between local communities and statutory organisations, co-creating an evidence-based vision for the future and a plan of action. The exact areas of focus and intervention will be based on an understanding of the issues and opportunities of individual locations, but could include, for example, activities relating to:
- Future food security e.g. creating local food supply chains, changes in land use
- Future skills and jobs e.g. identifying training needs for skills for community resilience
- Nature connectedness for preventative health provision including improving access to natural green spaces
- Sustainable tourism e.g., creating sustainable access for tourism to pressured areas
- Climate mitigation and adaptation e.g., community energy planning
- Enhancing and protecting the built environment and its heritage
- Supporting the local economy and social enterprise
- Community cohesion and wellbeing
- Sustainable transport, EV charging networks
- Creation of Town Centres of the Future
The National Park is a designated landscape. A place that is protected for its scenic quality, its intrinsic beauty, to serve those deep connections people have to nature and natural beauty.
Our designation speaks to a period in our history where access to such landscapes was unequal and divided. The National Park movement of the 1940s gave the nation the gift of the right to experience these places for the health and well-being benefits they bring, benefits that were sorely needed in a world emerging from the horror of the Second World War.
In a post covid world we recognise that these connections are needed now more than ever, but the 21st Century has also brought with it another series of pressing needs and asks of places such as National Parks. The role of these landscapes now is to support nature recovery, support carbon capture in ways that urban settings cannot support. We do this for the benefits of future generations in our role as a resource for the nation. This means that the National Park must work harder and smarter as a place, to connect people and nature to ensure that both thrive in a mutually beneficial way, now and for forever.
It is in Place, the anchor point of our missions, that this work comes together. It is in place that we work together to implement the solutions, to drive the change, to build the future, for our climate, water, nature and people. To work with the people and agencies who are deeply rooted in these places, at varying scales, to identify the key challenges, and work together to find the solutions that work on the ground. In doing this we seek to get at the heart of what makes places function as great places to work, live, and play – as providers of ecosystem services such as clean air, water, and locked in carbon.
Gobaith Y Bannau: Hope of the Beacons
We have chosen to develop this mission through the act of holistic place planning as this embodies the guiding principles the International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN) lays down for protected landscapes like Bannau Brycheiniog – to manage places with and through local people and mainly for and by them.
We celebrate this local level planning a process of empowerment, of distributing authority from statutory actors to the people of the National Park.